Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Christmas in September? Not quite.

Last night I ended the day at 70 calories, which was good. Now here comes the bad: my husband and I decided to stay up all night, resulting in about 200 more calories down my throat. Where's my willpower, right? I compensated for my momentary stupidity by going for a 2 mile jog in the pouring rain. Came home, showered, drank a cup of senna tea, and crashed until around six this evening. The rewarding part: when I woke up, I weighed 161.8... a half-pound loss and right on schedule. I'm so excited to cross off my second goal and slide down into the 150's - a welcome change from the 160's, 170's, and 180's I've shamefully endured since starting this blog. Still fat, but not as much as I was yesterday.

  • 1 cup chicken alfredo and fettuchine (100 cal.)
  • 1 glass V8 Fusion (110 cal.)
100 crunches, -70 calories
Walked 1 mile, -100 calories

Net intake: 40 calories

It might be a bit early to mention this, but is anybody else excited for Christmas? I'm fairly confident that I'll be at my ultimate goal weight by then; what a perfect way to begin 2011! I've also noticed a few leaves starting to turn color in the neighborhood... come on, winter. I'm ready for changes.



  1. You are so dedicated. You really do inspire me, girl. Keep it up! I'm happy for you loss!

    YES! I'm stoked for Christmas! I love the fall/winter. I love the clothes and atmosphere and the shopping. It's one of the hardest times for me eating wise, but family wise and all that other good stuff makes up for it. <3

  2. I love love love fall weather. And damn! When I go over, I sit and pout, but you get up and run in the rain. Badass.
