Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Under Wraps

I started my period today, gross. I'm not "officially" weighing myself until Monday - but in reality, I will probably step on the scale at least four times a day. It just doesn't count for records-keeping purposes.

Since I don't have that particular number to worry about at the moment, I will focus my attention on other numbers: calories. Speaking of those... I fucked up earlier. My husband and I were arguing/fighting/whatever, and I irrationally (and quite hormonally) blurted some gibberish about how the only time he pays attention to me is when it's time to eat so I can get fatter. I don't know how he reacted, really. His expression was an eerie shade of blank. But I forecast a gloomy future; he knows my history. I must consume every calorie directly in front of him, if I want him to lay off the heat. I hope there's no heat. It's too damn hot here already.

Oh yeah, I just remembered. We're supposed to barbecue tonight. Big, greasy hunks of meat. And there's also a chicken sandwich lurking in the fridge, brought home especially for me. :(

It's time to get creative.


One cup of senna tea, 0 calories
One scrambled egg with toast, 180 calories
One half Subway sandwich, 200 calories
Pork loin, beans, and salad, 200 calories
M&Ms, 100 calories

Total: 680 calories

Not great, but not too bad either. I managed to get really small portions from the barbecue stuff by heaping salad on half of my plate. The husband should be thoroughly satisfied that I am a fatass from today's festivities, which means that tomorrow will be less difficult.

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