Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1, 2, 3... GO

I'm really surprised that my weight went down at all, but yay. A whole freaking .6 pounds of progress. Maybe today I can avoid being such a fatass. Remember Jaz, calories eaten in private are wasted. Somehow my head got the crazy notion that it's ok to eat fat foods as long as nobody sees me... how stupid. Anyway, I'm going to drink lots of green tea (with acai!) today, and try to keep up off my ass.

My goals seem so far away. Once I break into 170 again I'll still feel fat. And at 160 - that will be good progress, but I'm still fat. 150 = still fat, and so on/so forth. I wish I never would have let myself get this way. What kind of person consumes and consumes, like some kind of greedy gluttony worm? What kind of person hides under disgusting layers of fat? I would rather be bones - the kind that you just have to look twice, to make sure there's actually a person standing there.


CW: 181.8

Breakfast: 1 slice toast (90 cal.)
Lunch: Mandarin oranges (70 cal.)
Dinner: Chicken Alfredo w/ crackers (150 cal.)
Snack: 1 slice pizza (200 cal.
Liquid: 100 cal.
Total: 610 calories

Activity: Walked 30 min. @ 4mph (-200 cal.), worked four and a half hours

Notes: I started out okay, with a wimpy walk before breakfast. Ate the oranges at work, pasta at home, then I took a nap. When I woke up my husband was insistent that I eat pizza with him, and I caved. Tomorrow I'll do better.

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