Sunday, October 17, 2010


My third goal of 150 pounds is now neatly crossed off the list. I was so excited this morning, I must have weighed myself like 6 or 7 times just to see the same number again and again: 150.8. I'm not there yet, but I'm much closer than I was... :D

I've drank sooo much orange juice in the last 2 days. My period came, plus I've been feeling a little sick, so I'm trying to look after myself the best that I can. Intake's been hovering between 200 and 400 calories.

I really don't know what to write about. Sorry, guess I'm still in shock.

How are you?


  1. Yay congratulations :)
    I keep doing the same thing since I am nearly back under 130 (bad weekend) but it's like... "really?"

    Keep it up <3

  2. congratulations!!!
    be careful with so much oj though it cause acid damage to your stomach!
    x Lyndee

  3. fuck yes, congrats!
